Monday, July 27, 2009

A sign from Heaven & Hell? Paranormal? Aliens???

For the past few days through this and last week i’ve laid myself on the porch on a lawn chair, sipping a nice fresh and cold beverage (alcohol ofcourse) during work evenings. Star Gazing.

But something has really caught my attention. I’ve noticed a specific pattern of stars in the sky shaped as two objects - The Devil’s pentagram and the Holy Cross!

The Pentagram being bigger and the cross being in the middle. I’ve tried to take a digital photograph with both cameras I have but the first time you cant see any stars.

Once i’ve calibrated the camera I took the snapshot and all the stars were visible, but the Pentagram and Cross werent! I mean! In the picture taken you can even make out the little dipper! Was I or Us being told something? Is it a sign? From Paranormal activity? heaven or hell? Maybe Aliens!

Bit freaked out!

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Satan was created perfect

Satan was created perfect just as were our first parents. God never forces obedience and loyalty. His government is based on love. Why did Satan (Lucifer), choose to exercise his option to rebel? The question has no logical answer because sin is irrational. It has no excuse. Only by the blood of a loving Saviour are we lifted from the pit of sin and forgiven. The origin and unreasonableness of sin is discussed more in connection with Genesis 3